About Me

IMG_2728My name is Brady. Not Brandon or Bradley, and certainly not Brandy. I recently graduated from the University of Central Florida with my degree in advertising and public relations. I am still living in sunny Orlando, but am now working full time as a marketing assistant at a mortgage company. Although I was born and raised in Florida, I will always miss the mountains. I have a strong passion for burritos, Disney parks and Chacos and I watch way too much TV. I have never considered myself a rockstar writer, but practice makes perfect, so bear with me on this whole “blog” thing. So if you like snarky remarks about anti-feminists, and strong opinions on the Moe’s vs. Chipolte debate (#TeamMoes), I think you’ll be in for a treat.

I would love to hear from you! Feel free to email me at bradykirby1030@gmail.com or follow me on social media @bradykirby.

Sincerely, B. Kirbs

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